I sit this morning reading in Romans while having an extremely good and dark pot of coffee in my all time favorite coffee cup (The Rusty Pelican). Did I say "pot". :) Anyway this cup fits the perfect amount of coffee that you will finish before it gets cold, the thickness of the cup is spot on with a perfect rounded lip for sipping and a finger hole that's like butta' (yea, I got it bad).
Ok, actually, it's afternoon, but it feels like morning because Jane and I pulled an all night er for our Son's Graduation class party and slept in from 6am till noon. :)
Well checking mail this afternoon, I received an email from a friend who works the "
Songbase" worship software company.
Jenny always answers the phones. In a long conversation about "worship" today, and all it's failings, she mentioned that her favorite worship style over the years was the early "scripture" songs. I was never in a flow that really did them, so she sent me a link to the Garretts in New Zealand, to find out more.
Although there are no music clips to listen to, I sat and perused the site.
I so enjoyed the few articles listed, and was inspired by their new passion to promote and record indigenous music from around the world today. As they would say, "We have a current culture of white men's worship, that the world is supposed to embrace, when in fact all peoples have their own traditions and styles that need to be incorporated into the worship music and styles of their own cultures". I ordered a DVD about their new journey (post scripture songs) and will report back here about it in the future.
Davids wife Dale also said something profound in one of her articles. " I never could plan anything in my life. Got married, couldn't cook, do laundry or even make my bed.... Then a women from my church came over one day and said these words to me (don't put it down, put it away). It changed my life forever". Jane and I laughed as we read that this morning. We so related to that story as traveling people who are not in the same place each day. We said that phrase to our 18 year old and he looked at us with the deer in the headlights look (who meeee... what about you....)
Busted again by our children and learning God's sense of humor each day.