Saturday, June 21, 2008

Preparing For Guests

Well, it's round two of graduations. Jamison is graduating and my list of to do's for the house before the open house is ... well... nothing I should not have had done already in the last few years. So out comes the paint and stain and new screens and new windows and deck repairs and yard repairs and re-shuffling most everything thing in the house at least once. Why do we let things pile up? Well my short answer is because we are not anal, guilty or yelled at enough to get them done at an earlier time. The key is really that you can't get mad at anyone about it since it's piling up was your own doing, and once you are done fixing it all, you feel like you've exercised the demons. As a guy it is always fun to learn new "home repairs" even if it ends up costing more to have you do it three times over than a professional once :). Well here's to all the parents this year who have made their nests a little nicer as a result of a graduating teen. Oooooh, now what to do with that extra bedroom, or do we downsize the house and get the same square feet with fewer bedrooms????

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