Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dung nab it.

So I was reading Social Media comments from "old" friends today while taking a break from the pre-launch of  And it struck me. I really do like all these people with so many angry and vile retorts to each other about opinions.

It's amazing that it's not enough to love people and things today. You somehow have to hate everybody else's opinions to be considered loyal to some large  or small affiliation.  And in this election cycle we all best realize no one is gonna change anyone's mind,  so remember who you agree with and take a deep breath to not respond to every moronic statement and cartoon posted 24 on social media.
Just take mental notes of the source ;)
If you listen to Limbaugh or Mahr or Savage. HEY, you're getting your fix already. Why blow it all up on social media and destroy lifetime friendships (if they really were...)

 And if you're not sure who you believe in, (generally under 40 something)  and (generally not a bad idea)  think to yourself: " do I want more or less government involved in all things".  HEY it's ok to want more, everyone down deep wants more. I want more. More of everything:)! That would be the pile of Donkey dung .

If you want less govt., more of your money, less entitlements, less "help" for everyone hurting, less regulation, less less,  and you're on your own pal.. well i'm 39 years self employed, I love alot of that as well ... that would be the pile of Elephant dung. If you want legalized "just about everything" imaginable and just stay out of my way, welll...  I like a part of that as well,...  then you want the independent  libertarian dung. p.s.  they are not a party mind you, just independent folks who want to be left alone to take care of themselves, birth themselves or shoot themselves with drugs or bullets or sex.  Just  Don't  Hurt  Your  Neighbor.

There ya go three piles of dung. When fresh from the source it will stick to your sole. When dried, you can bbq with it.  Either way the outcome's green. Me, I play golf and I swear the party symbols should be geese... They never stop destroying the fair-way or green..

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