Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Birth Of The "O-Pine"

With the exception of Right Wing crazies and then all the way over to Fascists, the right has laid silent with passive humble prayers for too long.
Now many labeled "Alt Right", are a fed up mix of left, center and right.. As if tea party has lost its ring, now it's Alt right... What's next?
In my life, the politics of the late 60's and early 70's folk scene was all about music not politics. None of that stuck ironically. I sang and played it all, but the politics of it from the liberal campuses and folk activists? I dismissed as "thats just not me". I still respected all the music, just not the speeches. Still, i knew in a folk context that any artists who were there in protest would and could say anything at any time. The ones who I couldn't hang with any more?, i stopped going to their concerts over their political speak, not their musical giftedness.. And I've stopped going to movies by actors who have gone to far... And I'm starting to boycott sports who've gone to far... And now with #boycotthamilton, I'm saddened by this selfish act of personality over purpose.
And music? It's no coincidence that most of the the liberal US down right hates country music. They believe IMHO that those in the arts of "higher folk" or Country, are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, ignorant backwoods white trash twangers. (hmmm sound a bit like calling the kettle black... or white)? Well in the words of the great Cracker Barrel golf tees game... (yer just plain ignorant).
Then came the Rush....
For me, entertaining in Palm Desert in the winters in the late 80's, I heard a guy on the radio with B1 Bob Dornan (the orange county congressman). I listened again to hear his name. It was like finding a tribe leader. He spoke my language (with attitude) and I agreed with someone on the radio for the first time in my life...
It was Rush Limbaugh with one hand tied behind his back.
I laughed each day at his sacrilegious songs and self aggrandizing look at the left and media.
I took my commodore64 and tried to email him from my Nashville living room floor. Baud rates were 12.2. C-prompts were necessary to connect, and since I didn't have a Compuserve or AOL acct, my attempts were hysterically ignorant.
I opted for the mail to get my "Rush is Right" lapel pin in '87. No one back home knew who this was yet. He wasn't on midwest radio.
I still own that pin but just don't wear it anymore so as not to offend others.
You see middle class Conservatives here in fly over land had no voice outside of coffee after church or in a hunting or fishing shack or around a quilting table or a rural watering hole.. Rush changed that, and the new voice of the conservative was amplified.
Rush for the first time made it loud and clear that it was ok to be a normal conservative.
It was ok to speak up for the first time and tell an arrogant left wing activist for the first time that they were not the only ones with an opinion any longer or a protest sign outside the election cycle. Rush made it clear to young skulls of mush that their opinions on 99% of college campuses were NOT flawed and reckless and damaging to the nations future. They should not shut up, but stand up.
Till then, the left was used to an occasional loony kkk, fascist, nutcase right winger showing up, but regular folks? .... game changer.
And now 30 years later as a result we have Trump.
Without Limbaugh (love him or hate him) we would not likely have had Trump, or Bush 43..
And all the very rich conservative talk show hosts today on radio and Cable and Web, should have to pay points to the golden EIB mic fund to keep Rush in new C. Implants.
Yet with all the current O-pining going on in social media and with "non news" folks, we now know that bias has crossed into the main news organizations big time. Journalists have come out and crossed the lines of an impartial press.
Taking sides in the name of a free press. Writing very slanted and skewed opinions in a field that needs an even playing field.
I'm guessing 60% of America are all standing around today, turning on our TV's, I-pads and phones to try to find real honest news without the sickening spin every 15min.
So where does O-pining and news go from here?
Newspapers are certainly dying..
Is it back to local news at 6 and 10 where you have (at least) a chance to not get spun? And then the rest of your info is gathered from radio and ever changing web portals and apps that you think you can trust on your phone?
There is no putting the genie back in the bottle now. 24hr 15min. breaking news spin cycle is here for good till the next modification.
Will it be "turning off and out?". Is that the future?
I listen to O'Reilly, that's about it.
I keep looking for a moderate voice on the left that I can at least listen too and learn from. No luck there yet, and I don't see anyone rising on the left with any common sense except screaming and yelling that "some lives matter" and that only "they" really care about the planet and anything but a human.
So today i pray the populists rise up after this election. I pray they are who I think they are. "Centrists" with common sense from all social and religious backgrounds who want a better America for Americans.
I hope they force the two parties to change their way of doing business. If Trump actually does this first it will lead the way for the rest of the country to follow suit.
And politicians? Like so much of the country who've lost their pensions from their struggling companies? Yea, Trump could start by eliminating the congress retirement system that we pay for and the states could then follow suit. These guys and gals can make a living doing something after congress without taking tax dollars for the rest of their lives... Right?
And term limits? yea, make that one so, even if after number of years served, you have to wait to run again. ie: you serve 6 years? you have to wait 6 years to run again (if you want to).. 
Whatever it may be, can it be done without slandering each other, calling each other names, defaming and exposing, lying and spinning and weaving webs of deceit? doubt it...
This is one reason why we have faith and hope in higher things. To keep us sane while trying to live in this fallen world of greed and selfishness.

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