Sunday, February 21, 2021

Whose Version Of The Truth Is Truth Anymore?

 What is a Good Samaritan?

This was a 15' x 6' oil painting on concrete, in an Italian Catholic Church, four stories down in a dark room with only a small window bringing in any light.  I shot it with an open shutter and was so blessed to be able to see and keep it.

I was thinking on this snowy Sunday about being Woke, being White,  being a Christian, and being Conservative in America.

Do I have anything going for me anymore? Am I a complete mess of old-school thought and need re-programming? 

I sure don’t think so, but if I turn on any media or social media I’m ready for Fascist or CCP or Gates New World Order re-programming.  Are my kids soon going to turn me in? Not with brown but green or black shirts, and turn me in for my thoughts and views?

Folks, “what we have here is a failure to commun-cate.”

I watched a great short documentary by J.D.Steel last Sunday. It was about 4 people who lived thru Jim Crow, and now in their 70’s & 80’s they retold their stories of Systematic Racism they grew up thru as America continued to deal with the inequality of a world mad with the racism of every type since the powerful realized that they could make money off of the powerless.

Watching JD’s documentary I had many feelings. (The soundtrack was great:) ) They are the same feelings I’ve felt my whole life when I’ve watched or read about peoples of all nationalities and colors being oppressed by the ruling class.  

As ethnic cleansing continues to flourish around the world in Dictatorships and Totalitarian regimes. And as child trafficking and human trafficking flourish with global media, politicians and the oligarchs hiding it like a family secret, I’m repulsed and sickened.  As photos and stories are now being released about it from the underground, I believe we are about to expose the hidden evil behind it all, and we will not want to believe it. We will not want to believe it any more than the Germans wanted to believe 6mm Jews were murdered. Even after visiting the camps, they denied it. Any more than what Stalin did, or Polpot or China and the Uighurs today. 

Racism is real. It’s everywhere, in every nation, in every color, and in every tribe where power and money rule.  

Change Equals Blood.

The great Republican Lincoln began a fight that no one was willing to fight.  He was willing to risk and have a national civil war to begin the freedom of “one” of the great racist evils that men of every color and nation had been profiting off of for centuries.  And trying to stop it was the right thing to do at any cost of blood and treasure.   His Presidential Executive Order of the Emancipation Proclamation that moved us into full-on Civil war and unimaginable death was received by a mostly European white nation as worth dying for, just as our ancestors died coming here to obtain freedom from the rest of the worlds messed up governments.

On top of this, the inability for blacks to fight in the armed forces or be accepted properly even during this war and into the 2nd world war was just another sign of how good people can be wrong and how far and fast this nation has changed in it’s moral attempts to be a better union.

Yes, in America it was the Southern Democrats and elite that wanted to continue their blessings from slavery and what it brought them in overall cost of goods in the market. 

Then the Jim Crow era that began after the civil war around 1877 was the southern democrats “oh no you don’t move”. Since blacks were not slaves under the law anymore, they decided to state by state pass laws segregating what hadn’t been needed to segregate beforehand when blacks were not “equal”. 

Jim Crow laws were not accepted by much of the country who saw them as racist and it took America and in most cases Republicans decades to fight it in congress and civil society.

Thru this process and as a conservative, “inmho” all of the Democrats plans moved into creating a welfare society for our black citizenry so that when Jim Crow ended they could still control these citizens by breaking up the family unit, paying off women to survive with Govt. help to have a family without a man, and in doing so, keep them in a subordinate place where many believed they belonged. Pure evil. 

God bless the fighters too many to name with true American spirit that said “no” to all of this. Worked hard, became successful in spite of this evil, and became heroes to most Americans. 

In the medical, law, music, arts, sports, science, military, and education, heroic black Americans like our founders, fought to rise above the odds and the media of the day lay silent for most of it.

For me in the arts, I look at all the great musicians and singers and actors and athletes who lived thru this period of time 100+ years ago to help the Union continue to find a better America. 

The baby boomer generation that I’m a part of, lived thru the ’60s and as white Americans, we listened to many of our parents who grew up in segregation and went, “hmmm, I don’t think so. That may have been your experience, but it’s not ours”. 

Since the 60’s the rise of black Americans in all forms of the economy began to be something the media could not hide any longer.  The integration of 3rd generation blacks Americans and now 1st generation immigrants from all over the world legally coming to America filled our schools and churches and neighborhoods with multi-cultures at a new level that helped our nation begin to see with new eyes.


So with wide eyes our children and grandchildren today hold no malice to anyone. Only those very few lost in their grandparents' views still hold racist views from all colors and all sides. 

They are obvious.  They are angry, they fight, they hate. 

Unfortunately, the education about all of this continues to push racism to a nation that is the most un-racist of civilized nations. 


We all need to look hard and deep at why. And who’s next?

Look at money and power. It is the driving factor, and God and non-blacks are honestly not the problems. Politics are.  The super-rich of every color are looking to keep the world racist, fighting, and in wars.  It’s how they remain in power by capturing the vote, or the army by any means. Using money, bribery, brainwashing, blackmail, and fear of death as their tool.

So back to the documentary I started within this blog.  I’m so thankful for people like JD Steel and the investors who continue to expose honest feelings and individual truths of people's lives to help us all understand where and why people feel the way they feel and why they interpret the world as they do. 

For me?  I saw these wonderful black American stories as truthful and painful for their generation. Now with that said, what has been taught to the last 60 years of black American youth. The great-grandchildren of these citizens lived through this change.  How has America changed in 60 years. What have these Black Americans from the greatest generation taught their children and grandchildren about the Victories of America? The opportunities in America. The blessing and sacrifices of America. Or, has this generation propagated the same systematic racism thru these last 3 generations?  And really, who and what groups around the world are still facing the type of racism we had 60 to 150 years ago here. It’s out there and it’s horrible.  They are out there all around the world. No rights, civil or even moral. Enslaved and trafficked because they are poor and vulnerable.  Used and abused. Who’s fighting for them now?  For their basic civil rights. I think any citizen of any race of color today in America is living in the best system for the opportunity that has ever existed. We need to go help others to see how good we have it.

Yea But…

There are and will always be evil men and women with power, using it to destroy and profit off of the citizenry.  Their color doesn’t expose them, their wealth does, so look closely. 

My European ancestors (as most 130 years ago came from very racist societies). 

The powerful of the earth have been taking over land and borders since the beginning of time. Color meant nothing. Money and power meant everything and money and power in the wrong hands is the root of all evil. 

So on this Sunday, as I reflect on my travels around the world and the people and cultures I’ve entertained and been blessed to be a part of,  I’m thankful for all of them. One not better than the other, for a good soul is just that. And a bad soul can be redeemed.  And even though I’m a Christian “follower of Jesus as Messiah”, I respect everyones right to their faith in our country with one caveat.  

Our Govt. Has Failed Us Here Again.

You can not change our Constitution, you can not oppress another religion or nonreligion with any form of violence and you should be here only legally as the laws strictly state. 

You should not be able to be taken care of by the Fed Govt. or State. You should have to make your own way and our language of English should have to be your main language to be a citizen. Speak 12 languages if you want (it’s freeking impressive) but you must learn English. 

And, for our nation's ancestors, our native tribes?  If there is anything in my lifetime I’d like to see, it’s for those nations to be found whole and healthy and a thriving part of the fabric of our nation for once and for all.   Not paid off and kept minimally survivable, but instead a great community that could…. Well, that could manage our air, water, and land a hell of a lot better than we have with their core values being intertwined in ways we hardly understand.  At least I will say, thankfully we didn’t kill them all off to hide the evidence and secure the land only to never look back. And Native Casinos… They are like an evil welfare drug dispenser for addicts. 

Vegas should have been made the only place in the country for this.. (And I love Vegas don’t get me wrong).

So if you made it thru this blog, You'll either be an "Amen" or "you're still a racist A**hole."  As time goes on, I continue to try to be a voice of reason that is willing to read and listen. Isn't that education?

Please take 20min. and watch JD's Documentary on Institutional Racism and learn a bit more about how different people view the state of our nation.

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